Ask Me Anything

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Ask Me Anything

Just for fun! Questions will be visible after Iโ€™ve answered.

What's your take on imposter syndrome? Do you experience it rarely or often? If yes, how do you cope up?


4 months ago

You would have heard of the design exercise where you need to design an elevator for a 1000 floors. What do you think that the interviewer is honestly expecting in terms of an answer here.


4 months ago

Great work, loved this section on your website! I thought about having a Writing section on my website as well but I ended up doing it on Medium. Do you have a Medium account? If not, why did you decide to not publish on Medium?


4 months ago

What are you most excited about with Staff Design?


4 months ago

What was your inspiration for this site?


4 months ago

Why isn't Design Details on Spotify?


4 months ago

Love your site, is it your own design? How could I get it?


4 months ago

Fascinated by your site? Very curious, do you use any kind of CMS or some custom interface to update content, or do you change it all directly in the code?


4 months ago

What fonts does your website use? And do you have a set of go-to fonts you often use?


4 months ago

What do you think about Blitz.js? Would you use it if you were to update your site?


4 months ago

How did you make this ama?


4 months ago

I liked your old site design. :/


4 months ago

If you absolutely had to choose a different career path which doesn't involve design (or development), what would be doing?


5 months ago

Do you use an iPad for designing? Any suggestions on iPad apps for designers?


5 months ago

I'm a coder who wants to create my own website but I'm usually stuck at the designing part, it feels like it's never good enough. Any tips?


5 months ago

How do you add things to the Bookmarks page of your site? Do you manually go in and add them of have you made a tool to add them from various places?


5 months ago